Questions to ask a cross-cultural worker
Sometimes it can be difficult to know what questions to ask a cross-cultural worker because their life experiences are so different from yours. Many times the only questions people can think of to ask are, "Is it hot in the country where you work?" or "What is the food like?" and nothing else. The following are a few suggestions of simple questions to ask workers to get them talking about their world so that you can engage in a genuine dialogue as well as learn more about what God is doing globally.
Tell me about raising your children in a different culture. Advantages? Disadvantages?
What is a typical day like for you? Your family?
Are there some specific needs your children have that you are concerned about?
How did you adapt to being in a different culture?
What has been the most challenging aspect of your living conditions?
What are some of the things you miss since you left your home country?
If you could share one nugget with others about your time in this country, what would it be?
What do you enjoy most about your work? What inspires you?
What most encourages you in your work?
What is the greatest spiritual need you notice in your ministry? Physical need Emotional need?
What has been your most noticeable spiritual change since you began ministry overseas?
Tell me about the roles of men and women in your host country.
Tell me about your co-workers. What are their roles and how are they doing? Are they encouraged?
Describe an experience you had on the field that impacted the way you do ministry.
Tell me about spiritual disciplines on the field. Are they difficult to maintain? How has God met your spiritual hunger?
What would you do if you had $5,000 more each year to fund a project on your heart?
What do you feel is the most common misperception of you or your work by members of your sending church?
How is your personal support level? If low, what have you cut back on to make ends meet?
What are some of the strengths of your team? Challenges?
What are some ministry needs and opportunities that your team has?
Have you had some challenging transitions on your team?
Tell me something about the people of your host country.
What is the economic situation of the people with whom you work?
Are many people responsive to the gospel or just a few? Why?
Are you able to share the truth and disciple people freely in your country of service?
What do you appreciate most about your host culture?
Tell me about a special friendship you have with a national. Who are some of your close friends?
Are there security concerns in your host country?
How are church services different or alike in your country of service?
Tell me about unique customs or cultural ways of life in your host country.
Are there any behaviors that are acceptable in America that are not acceptable in your country?
What was your biggest surprise about the host country, the people and yourself?
What are some specific prayer requests you have for your country?
Tell me of someone whose life was impacted with the gospel and the change you saw in his/her life. Is there someone I can be praying for?
You can also download this here:
Tell me about raising your children in a different culture. Advantages? Disadvantages?
What is a typical day like for you? Your family?
Are there some specific needs your children have that you are concerned about?
Cross Cultural Living
How did you adapt to being in a different culture?
What has been the most challenging aspect of your living conditions?
What are some of the things you miss since you left your home country?
If you could share one nugget with others about your time in this country, what would it be?
What do you enjoy most about your work? What inspires you?
What most encourages you in your work?
What is the greatest spiritual need you notice in your ministry? Physical need Emotional need?
What has been your most noticeable spiritual change since you began ministry overseas?
Tell me about the roles of men and women in your host country.
Tell me about your co-workers. What are their roles and how are they doing? Are they encouraged?
Describe an experience you had on the field that impacted the way you do ministry.
Tell me about spiritual disciplines on the field. Are they difficult to maintain? How has God met your spiritual hunger?
What would you do if you had $5,000 more each year to fund a project on your heart?
What do you feel is the most common misperception of you or your work by members of your sending church?
How is your personal support level? If low, what have you cut back on to make ends meet?
What are some of the strengths of your team? Challenges?
What are some ministry needs and opportunities that your team has?
Have you had some challenging transitions on your team?
Country of Service
Tell me something about the people of your host country.
What is the economic situation of the people with whom you work?
Are many people responsive to the gospel or just a few? Why?
Are you able to share the truth and disciple people freely in your country of service?
What do you appreciate most about your host culture?
Tell me about a special friendship you have with a national. Who are some of your close friends?
Are there security concerns in your host country?
How are church services different or alike in your country of service?
Tell me about unique customs or cultural ways of life in your host country.
Are there any behaviors that are acceptable in America that are not acceptable in your country?
What was your biggest surprise about the host country, the people and yourself?
What are some specific prayer requests you have for your country?
Tell me of someone whose life was impacted with the gospel and the change you saw in his/her life. Is there someone I can be praying for?
You can also download this here:
Updated on: 12/10/2020
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