Articles on: Retreat Attendee

Why are retreats only for North American women?

Why only North American Women?

As you may be aware, the mission of Thrive is to encourage and empower North American global women serving cross-culturally. While we would love to have the resources to be able to invite women from other sending countries, we must face the realities of our limitations.

This is a difficult policy to communicate. We dream of a day when we might have unlimited funds and an expertise in how to deeply impact women from other cultures. In fact our CEO is currently working with female leaders across the world to cast the vision of Thrive sister organizations. But for now, our focus is strategically for North American (US and Canada) women.

Because more and more companies are made up of singles and couples from many sending countries, it makes it challenging to maintain that focus. If we were to expand from those guidelines, there is not a logical place to draw the line in order for us to still achieve our goals. We would be making exceptions continually. At this time, our limited funds hinder us from expanding.

I hope that you will understand our need for the guidelines set above. May you find favor as you answer the call to continue your work!


One of the main reasons our retreats serve North Americans working cross-culturally - mainly because our retreats bring a taste of home (in many aspects) which don’t necessarily translate well for women not familiar with and comfortable receiving love in “American” ways. This is the population we know how to well care for.

If you have spent extensive time in North America, are married to a North American, etc. and are very comfortable with American culture, and believe a retreat like this would feel refreshing and encouraging instead of isolating, please contact us personally to discuss an exception.

Updated on: 12/10/2020

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